October 2016 | GaroKen
Latest Games :
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Pokemon Sun and Moon Special Demo Version | N3DS ROM

Description: 3DSXXXX - Pokemon Sun and Moon Special Demo Version
Title : Pokemon Sun and Moon Special Demo Version
Released Group: CIA
Rom Size: 1024Mbit
Genre: Turn-Based RPG
Archive Name: xxxx-pkmnsunmoondemo.rar

Download Links:
Decrypted (Cryptofixed) CIA and Decrypted 3DS Rom:
(For use with the Citra Emulator, data mining / asset extraction etc)

Pokemon Sun and Moon - Special Demo Version (00040000001A7100)_decrypted.3ds
Pokemon Sun and Moon - Special Demo Version (00040000001A7100)_decrypted.cia

3DS Filesize: 379 MB (398,319,616 bytes)
CIA Filesize: 380 MB (399,165,760 bytes)
3DS CRC: 7DD77461 / CIA CRC: 353DB448



Encrypted CIA:
(To install the Demo on your 3DS using FBI or other CIA installers)

May require the seed fix, see the next section below for details.

Pokemon Sun and Moon - Special Demo Version (00040000001A7100).cia
Filesize: 380 MB (399,165,760 bytes)
CRC32: 942AFCA0 / MD5: 14CA27702B7A995EC802DEC7D5CE67BB
SHA-1: 43EBB6624758DBCAD24E81BC6D121668F1D37136







Alternate Download Links:

Password : CrazeE1-3DSISO

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Disney Magical World 2 (EUR) | N3DS ROM

Description: 3DS2222 - Disney Magical World 2 (EUR)
Title : Disney Magical World 2
Game Region : EUR
Released Group: PUSSYCAT
Rom Size: 1024Mbit
Genre: Adventure RPG
Archive Name: pssycat-dmw2.rar

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Monster Hunter Stories RPG [JPN] | N3DS ROM

Description: 3DSXXXX - Monster Hunter Stories RPG [JPN]
Title : Monster Hunter Stories RPG
Game Region : JPN
Released Group: CIA
Rom Size: 1024Mbit
Genre: Turn-Based RPG
Archive Name: xxxx-mhsrpgjpn.rar

Download Links:
Password : CrazeE1-3DSISO

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Mario Party Star Rush [EUR] | N3DS ROM

Description: 3DS2220 - Mario Party Star Rush [EUR]
Title : Mario Party Star Rush
Game Region : EUR
Released Group: LiGHTFORCE
Rom Size: 1024Mbit
Genre: Party Game
Archive Name: lghtforce-mpsreur.rar

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Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack [US] | N3DS ROM

Description: 3DSXXXX - Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack [US]
Title : Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack
Game Region : USA
Released Group: CIA
Rom Size: 1024Mbit
Genre: 2D Action Adventure
Archive Name: xxxx-asgspusa.rar

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Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack [JPN] | N3DS ROM

Description: 3DS2214 - Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack [JPN]
Title : Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack
Game Region : JPN
Released Group: HR
Rom Size: 1024Mbit
Genre: 2D Action Adventure
Archive Name: hr-asgspjpn.rar

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YO-KAI Watch 2: Fleshy Souls (US) | N3DS ROM

Description: 3DSXXXX - YO-KAI Watch 2: Fleshy Souls (US)
Title : YO-KAI Watch 2: Fleshy Souls
Game Region : USA
Released Group: CIA
Rom Size: 1024Mbit
Genre: Turn-Based RPG
Archive Name: xxxx-tw2fsusa.rar

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